
Rigid strapping tape

5 products

Rigid Strapping Tape | Superior-Grade Sports Support 

Get superior-grade support with the Straptor Rigid Strapping Tape. Our all-in-one solution is perfect for high intensity sports activities and features strong adhesion, flexible design, enhanced tensile strength, serrated edges and cut ends. 100% hypoallergenic and latex free! Shop now!


Rigid Strapping tape for different needs

  1. 13mm Rigid Tape: Ideal for fingers. Its narrow width allows for precise application on small joints, providing support without limiting mobility too much.

  2. 25mm Rigid Tape: Suitable for thumbs and wrists. This medium width offers a balance between support and flexibility, making it perfect for these joints which require both stabilisation and a degree of movement.

  3. 38mm Rigid Tape: Best for ankles and knees. The wider tape provides more coverage and support, which is essential for these weight-bearing joints that are often subject to high stress during physical activities.

  4. 50mm Rigid Tape: Designed for larger ankles, knees, and even shoulders. The extra width is beneficial for bigger joints or those requiring more substantial support, such as in the case of injury recovery or prevention in high-impact sports.

Each width of the tape is specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of different joints, offering the right balance of support, flexibility, and comfort.