Stifneck Adjustable Extraction Collar
All the adult Stifnecks in one easily adjustable, fully assembled collar. Simply measure the patient, select the size, adjust, and lock.
This collar fits all adult patients and delivers the same superior immobilisation you expect from Stifneck collars.
The Laerdal Stifneck select extrication collar is four different collars in one. Stabilise spinal patients correctly and easily with 4 different sizing options that all lock quickly and safely into place.
- Integrating a fast Velcro strap system.
- Locks ensure selected sizes stay in place
- Adjustment tracks ensure symmetrical alignment of size
- Uses the same sizing and application method as the original Stifneck collars
- Easy access for pulse checks, advanced airway procedures, and visualisation through oversized trachea hole
- Room for large fingers to slide through the rear panel opening for cervical palpation
- Directions molded into collar
- Reduces inventory costs and saves space
- Radiolucent, MRI and CT scan compatible
- Sizes: Adult or Paediatric
- N/A
Stifneck Adjustable Extraction Collar
All the adult Stifnecks in one easily adjustable, fully assembled collar. Simply measure the patient, select the size, adjust, and lock.
This collar fits all adult patients and delivers the same superior immobilisation you expect from Stifneck collars.
The Laerdal Stifneck select extrication collar is four different collars in one. Stabilise spinal patients correctly and easily with 4 different sizing options that all lock quickly and safely into place.
- Integrating a fast Velcro strap system.
- Locks ensure selected sizes stay in place
- Adjustment tracks ensure symmetrical alignment of size
- Uses the same sizing and application method as the original Stifneck collars
- Easy access for pulse checks, advanced airway procedures, and visualisation through oversized trachea hole
- Room for large fingers to slide through the rear panel opening for cervical palpation
- Directions molded into collar
- Reduces inventory costs and saves space
- Radiolucent, MRI and CT scan compatible
- Sizes: Adult or Paediatric
- N/A